Adding components in a fully depreciated fixed assets ax 2012
Hi Mohamed,
If you can change the last run date and the remaining periods, then test in a separate environment what values can be used to get the correct outcome for new depreciation proposals.
Adding components in a fully depreciated fixed assets ax 2012
Hi Andre,
While createing new value model we are getting the below error .
Cannot create a record in Value model by fixed asset (AssetBook). Fixed asset number: XXXXX, YYY.
The record already exists.
For second scenario :
1. we cannot change the depriciation run date
2. We can change the depreciation last run date and depreciation periods remaining .
in this case we are not sure about the impact . because the initial accuastion was on 2003 and asset fully depriciated in 2013 . later acquasition adjustment was made in year 2018 .
Adding components in a fully depreciated fixed assets ax 2012
Hi Mohamed,
You can use two approaches. You can add a value model for the new component or reset the status of the asset and post an additional acquisition amount. In this case, you would also need to manually change the start depreciation date (or last depreciation date) and the remaining number of periods. Without remaining periods, it does not calculate new depreciation amounts. The start date adjustment is to avoid calculating x periods starting from the last depreciation date.
Adding components in a fully depreciated fixed assets ax 2012
Please hold on to wait the suggestions from others on the forum.
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