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Integration with Google Maps

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I read from some blog posts that scheduling board cannot be integrated to Google Maps for distance and route calculation. However, at the same time I read the below post that we can customize the geo spatial data provider. Has anyone experienced any requirement to integrate Scheduling board with Google maps?

  • Pete C Profile Picture
    Pete C 105 on at
    RE: Integration with Google Maps

    Thank you Shawn for taking the time to respond.  It is a path we will go down.  Cheers Pete

  • Suggested answer
    Shawnsauve Profile Picture
    Shawnsauve 1,089 on at
    RE: Integration with Google Maps

    Yes, it is possible to customize the geo-spatial data provider in the Field Service Scheduling Board to integrate it with Google Maps for distance and route calculations. While it may not be a standard out-of-the-box feature, customizing the data provider can help you achieve this functionality and provide a better user experience for your team.

    By integrating with Google Maps, you can enhance the Scheduling Board's capabilities by calculating accurate travel distances and times between appointments, displaying real-time traffic conditions, and providing turn-by-turn directions for technicians. This can help your team plan their routes more efficiently, reduce travel time, and improve overall productivity.

    While the customization process may require some technical expertise, it is possible to achieve a seamless integration with Google Maps using APIs and other development tools. There are also third-party tools and plugins available that can simplify the integration process and provide additional features and functionalities.

    Overall, integrating the Field Service Scheduling Board with Google Maps can be a valuable addition to your Field Service Management solution, and can help you streamline your operations, improve customer satisfaction, and increase profitability.

  • Pete C Profile Picture
    Pete C 105 on at
    RE: Integration with Google Maps

    Hi Andreas,

    Confirming you have connected RSO to Google Maps for live traffic updates?



  • Suggested answer
    Andreas Cieslik Profile Picture
    Andreas Cieslik 9,265 on at
    RE: Integration with Google Maps

    Dan Gittler from Microsoft gave this answer:

    The idea is that the schedule assistant and RSO run are through the distance matrix action. If you overrride the default behavior which uses Bing, and instead use Google, then all our distance calls will use Google

    So other than that the map view in the schedule board will still be Bing if enabled.

    All distances being calculated will go through Google. All addresses being geolocated are also through Google.

    The map itself cannot be replaced with the Google map.

    Having said that this is a supported customization and works as designed. 

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