Hello Everyone,
I am creating RunBase class and exporting employee data in excel format. Requirement is at runtime we will provide 2 dates which is compared with Employment StartDate in Employment history form (HCMEmployment.ValidFrom). Employement Start date is the ValidTimeState field in the HCMEmployment table.
Based on Users time zone the employment StartDate field value is changed but in DB it will store same value which we have entered.
e.g: if I am in India time zone and enter the value 31/12/2021 12:00:00 AM. When we change the user time zone to US or pacific zone it is changed to 01/01/2022 06:30:00 PM. In table field store the value " 31/12/2021 12:00:00 AM" this doesn't change.
So, whenever we run the report in US time zone and select the date 01/01/2022 it is generating blank report because table store 31/12/2021.
How can I handle this problem?