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SLA first response is successful but when it changes to resolve by it is set to cancelled

Posted on by 132
Hi all,
I am facing a question which I could not find a solution for.
I am using Cases in the customer service app.
We have two SLAs:
1. first response to a new case in 5 hrs
2. resolve a new case in 24 hrs
I have set everything up and the timers run correctly independently. Now I am facing two questions:
Is it possible to have both SLA timers to run and show at the same time as both apply once a case is created? the second issue is that I set my first response to successfull and then apply the second SLA then the first response is set to /cancelled/.
Can I customize this timer? I know I can create timers using the deprecated fields but I do not want to do this.
As I want to evaluate and report all the cases where agents could not stay within the SLAs this creates a huge problem. 
Any insights are welcome and thank in advance...
  • Christian K Profile Picture
    Christian K 132 on at
    SLA first response is successful but when it changes to resolve by it is set to cancelled
    THANK YOU!! you are the best! I never thought about it this way but that definitely solves it and is exactly what I need!!!
  • Verified answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    SLA first response is successful but when it changes to resolve by it is set to cancelled
    Hi Partner,
    As the documentation you found says:
     Only one SLA can be applied to a record. When an entity record is updated by using a different SLA, the previously applied SLA is canceled.
    However, One SLA can have multiple SLA items, and each item related to different SLA KPIs:
    --In fact, the SLA itself is more of a container, the actual rules are configured in the SLA Items.
    Refer to My example:
    1.Two SLA KPIs:
    2.SLA with two items:
    3.Item details:
    Now, you only need to apply this one SLA, but you can have multiple SLA timers.

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
  • Christian K Profile Picture
    Christian K 132 on at
    SLA first response is successful but when it changes to resolve by it is set to cancelled
    I found this NOTE! in the Microsoft documentation but that is not really helpful

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