Over that last few years we have been manually managing tariffs. Want to know how others have integrated them into GP.
Over that last few years we have been manually managing tariffs. Want to know how others have integrated them into GP.
To manage tariffs within Dynamics GP, you can use the Tariff Schedule Maintenance feature. This feature allows you to set up and maintain multiple tariff schedules, which can be used to calculate duties and taxes for your transactions. Here are the steps to set up tariff schedules in Dynamics GP:
Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Tariff Schedule.
Set up your tariff schedules by entering the tariff codes, descriptions, and applicable rates.
Once you have set up your tariff schedules, you can assign them to customers, vendors, and items. To assign a tariff schedule to a customer or vendor, go to their respective cards and select the Tariff Schedule tab. To assign a tariff schedule to an item, go to Cards > Inventory > Item and select the Tariff Schedule tab.
When you create transactions that involve tariffs, Dynamics GP will automatically calculate the appropriate duties and taxes based on the assigned tariff schedules.
Alternatively, you can also use third-party add-ons or integrations to manage tariffs within Dynamics GP. There are several add-ons available in the market that can help you automate the tariff management process and ensure compliance with customs regulations. You may want to explore these options to see if they better suit your business needs.
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