I have a customized lookup table like this:
Country | Notes |
Germany | German notes |
Italy | Italian notes |
What i want is that my report will fill the node "Notes" with notes depending on from which country the customer is.
For example, if the CountryRegionID for for the customer is GER, i want it to check it in the lookup table, and take the source from "Notes" that is in the same row as Germany. How would this be possible? can it be solved by using an expression?
Declare your table registry in the maping of your XYZ_YourTable, then use the formula (on a new field and it the same level of where you have the CountryRegionID):
FIRSTORNULL( FILTER( XYZ_YourTable, XYZ_YourTable.Country = @.CountryRegionId)).Notes
This will be on PackingSlip level, will be used as a Pro Forma for Customs. But i need the notes to be different depending on country. So the solution i cam of thinking is having a lookup table with the key being the country and the notes being the data i am needing. so if i am sending a pro forma for a customer from germany then i want the ER to take the german notes from the lookup table and insert it to my Note field in the model mapping.
Still havent found a good way though.
One option is not duplicating the value are merely displaying it from the setup table (by using a join or a display method).
If you want to copy the value, think about at what time it should happen. If immediately when you change the country, modifiedField() method on the table is a good choice.
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