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Help with finding invoices in D365

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I work as a consultant in finance and my current client uses D365. It's the first time I use this tool so I'm not very familiar with it.
Anyway, I asked my client for a list of all invoices from the last 2 years with basic data such as: invoice date, due date, invoiced amount, invoice number, client number/name and payment date in case the invoice has been paid (otherwise empty)
To my surprise I was told my a lot of people that this is not possible. During my last assignement I asked the same thing from someone using SAP and it could be retrieved in 2 minutes so i'm quite skeptical. Since no one could help me with this i starting looking into D365 myself as I'm pretty sure this must be doable. Using the aging reports and playing with the parameters i was able to come close to finding a solution but it's still not quite working, so I was wondering if someone could help me out with this issue.
Thanks in advance
  • Help with finding invoices in D365
    Hi Hana,
    Thanks for your answer.
    I had already been on this page, however there are a few things i've noticed:
    To check the transactions like you did i need to select 1 customer at a time, but I want all invoices for all clients, not just for a particular customer, isn't it possible to select for all?
    Payments appear as a separate line, so how am i supposed to know to which invoice is payment linked to? In your screenshot it's straightforward because the amounts match 1 to 1 but what if a client pays 10 invoices in 1 payment? I managed to find and insert a field called "Payment reference" which apparently allows me to link payments to invoices with some extra work but I still need to make sure that is correct.
    @Paul thanks for the help but I should have been clearer and say i meant customer invoices, not vendor invoices
  • Suggested answer
    Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Help with finding invoices in D365
    You can also find a list of customer transactions on the Accounts receivable > All Customers > Transaction page. In addition, if the information displayed on the page is insufficient, you can click insert column as shown in the screenshot to add columns to the table.

    Best Regards,

  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 13,600 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Help with finding invoices in D365
    For partial paid, you can check with open transactions.
  • Suggested answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 20,726 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Help with finding invoices in D365
    You can get it from the below navigation.
    Vendor- transactions- select filter as "ALL"

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