Hello. I have a small issue, again ;)
As we know, in the option field proporties we can assign two proporties: Option String and Option Caption. In my case, I am trying to decode Option Caption to Option String for Payment Terms in CRM and NAV Integration. My properties:
OptionString: 7D,14D,30D,60D,90D
OptionCaption: 7 Days,14 Days,30 Days,60 Days, 90 Days (and OptionCaptionML simmilar for specific language).
Now, in Dynamics CRM Sales Order Page there is pretty value for Payment Terms, getted from OPTION CAPTION (f.ex. 60 Days). When I am tryign to validate field while creating Sales Order in NAV using:
SalesHeader.VALIDATE("Payment Terms Code", FORMAT(CRMSalesorder.PaymentTermsCode));
there is an error that there is no payment definition (60 Days) in Payment Terms table. And is is true. There is no 60 Days code, but 60D.
It is possible to... decode (?) OptionCaption 60 Days to OptionString 60D ?
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