Please let me know the code sample to deserialize or read the response values.I was able to read the first level of value but not the next level or the Array level.
Provided a bit of response sample that i need to deserialize.From below response,I was able to deserialize and get the value for A and return Value1,But i dont how to deserialize the other values B,B1,C1,D,E,F,F1,Email etc.Please help me with any sample code
{"data": {"A":"value1=","B":{"B1":{"ValueB1":[{"c1":"Test c1","c2":"c2 value"}]}, "D":{}, "E":{}}, "F":[{"F1":"F1 value","F2 lang":"en"}], "email":"testEmail id", "tokens":{"G1_token":"test token value"}, "name":"Test name","phone":"123456"}}