Hi Tyler,
I'm also getting the same error as well as the following errors:
TypeError: bookingSetupMetadata is null
TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null
TypeError: Unable to get property 'get' of undefined or null reference
{object Object}
The bookingSetupMetadata was not "null" on the resource requirement. Once I removed the bookingSetupMetadata lookup and readded the same entity record, this error was resolved. So not too sure what is going on there.
As for the type errors where the read property is 'null' and [object Object]
I noticed that with the read property it was coming through, it was failing on the following Jscript webresource: msdyn_/fps/ScheduleBoard/SchPage.js
<Message>Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference</Message>
TypeError: Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference at Anonymous function (https://n
Then, for the [object Object]
[object Object]
[functions]: ,
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[object Object]
[functions]: ,
__proto__: { },
DisplayOnScheduleAssistant: false,
DisplayOnScheduleAssistant@ufx-formatvalue: "false",
DisplayOnScheduleBoard: true,
DisplayOnScheduleBoard@ufx-formatvalue: "true",
ScheduleBoard: { }
[object Object]
[functions]: ,
__proto__: { },
Resources: [
0: { },
1: { },
2: { },
3: { },
4: { },
5: { },
6: { },
7: { },
8: { },
9: { },
10: { },
11: { },
12: { },
13: { },
14: { },
15: { },
16: { },
17: { },
18: { },
19: { },
20: { },
21: { },
22: { },
23: { },
24: { },
length: 25
There is no null values on the resource requirement and I'm really not sure what resource object is causing the second issue.