How can I recover an account deleted by mistake? Thank you
How can I recover an account deleted by mistake? Thank you
Hi Eva,
We can use audit or a backup to recover records.
When we use audit (if audit was enabled for that entity and columns), it cannot directly recover the record. We need to find the data values for the record which was deleted, and manually recreate the record.
Here are the steps:
1. Sign in to Power Apps.
2. Select the environment for which you want to recover an account record.
3. Select Advanced Settings in gear.
4. Select Settings > Auditing > Audit Summary View.
5. Use filters like "Event = Delete" or "Entity = Account" to find audit record.
6. Double-click on it to see the details.
7. After getting record that we deleted, manually recreate it.
You can refer to this links: How to recover deleted record - Power Platform Community (
Manage Dataverse auditing - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn
When we use a backup to recover records, it can directly recover the record. What we need to do is selecting a date and time and choosing an environment to recover.
Here is the reference link: Back up and restore environments - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn
Best Regards,
Sayen Zhang
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