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Info: Azure active directory attributes that are synced to Dynamics 365 / CDS

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Azure active directory attributes that are synced to Dynamics 365 / CDS

Following are the properties that are synced from Azure AD to CDS via background user sync.

CDS SystemUser Property Azure AD Property
DomainName UserPrincipalName
WindowsLiveId UserPrincipalName
FirstName Given Name (if empty use #)
LastName SurName (if empty use DisplayName, if empty use #)
Address1_Country Country
Address1_City City
Address1_StateOrProvince State
Address1_Line1 StreetAddress
Address1_PostalCode PostalCode
Address1_Telephone1 BusinessPhones (first)
MobilePhone MobilePhone
Title JobTitle
InternalEmailAddress Mail
azureactivedirectoryobjectid objectId

Note: InternalEmailAddress is a special case. It can be updated by customer. It won't be changed by background sync except for Guest users after creation.

  • Jegan Lingam Profile Picture
    Jegan Lingam on at
    RE: Info: Azure active directory attributes that are synced to Dynamics 365 / CDS

    Hello Piyush,

    Yes, what I've posted matches with the product behavior. Out-of-the-box sync doesn't provide ways to sync additional attributes. In order to sync additional attributes, customers can use Microsoft Graph differential query api:

    You could write a recurring power automate workflow that queries the above api and calls CDS to perform updates through public SDK.

  • Piyush Garg Profile Picture
    Piyush Garg on at
    RE: Info: Azure active directory attributes that are synced to Dynamics 365 / CDS

    Hello Jegan, I am also looking for the list of attributes that are being synced with CDS.  Just wondering if you are able to validate the attributes mentioned in the link. as you highlighted,  it doesnt seem to be right. please advise.

    Also, is it possible to sync additional attributes from AAD -> CDS e.g. Display name? If yes, then please advise how one can achieve.

    thank you! Piyush

  • Jegan Lingam Profile Picture
    Jegan Lingam on at
    RE: Info: Azure active directory attributes that are synced to Dynamics 365 / CDS

    Content in that link doesn't look right. Let me take that up as follow up and see why.

  • RE: Info: Azure active directory attributes that are synced to Dynamics 365 / CDS

    Thanks Jegan for sharing the information.  

    I'm also using this opportunity to share the official documentation that has all the attributes that are synchronized from local AD to AzureAD through Azure AD Connect sync. This information can be found on the here:

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