Azure active directory attributes that are synced to Dynamics 365 / CDS
Following are the properties that are synced from Azure AD to CDS via background user sync.
CDS SystemUser Property | Azure AD Property |
DomainName | UserPrincipalName |
WindowsLiveId | UserPrincipalName |
FirstName | Given Name (if empty use #) |
LastName | SurName (if empty use DisplayName, if empty use #) |
Address1_Country | Country |
Address1_City | City |
Address1_StateOrProvince | State |
Address1_Line1 | StreetAddress |
Address1_PostalCode | PostalCode |
Address1_Telephone1 | BusinessPhones (first) |
MobilePhone | MobilePhone |
Title | JobTitle |
InternalEmailAddress | |
azureactivedirectoryobjectid | objectId |
Note: InternalEmailAddress is a special case. It can be updated by customer. It won't be changed by background sync except for Guest users after creation.