I have created a termination flow which send me an email when an employee is terminated. I want to be able to get the employees department? When I list the job position table it doesn't provide me the name of department?
Hi parag ,
Sorry If I missed something. Would I be putting Position worker assignment > Job positions > Department in a get row from Id? Like I have done in my previous post? I tried this by adding the cdm_workerid from the get row ID (worker table), it fails at the get row and says " cdm_positionworkerassignmentmap With Id = d5dbe866-2054-ec11-8f8e-00224815a1b6 Does Not Exist"
Should I be doing this another way?
Hi Henry,
You can use Employment > Worker > Position worker assignment > Job positions > Department.
This is the hierarchy you need to use to get employees department.
Hi Parag,
Thanks for the example. This works for this scenario but I am currently using the employments table as a first trigger followed y a get row y ID to get the works details to be inputted into a email.
How would I loop through the job positions and department table to connect to these two current tables I am using?
I thought I could get the row by Id for position worker assignment and job position but that seems to have not worked.
Kind Regards,
Hi Henry,
Check this.
Hi Parag,
Thanks for this - I played around with it on a separate flow which worked. But I am confused with how I would get the department using the department and job position tables for the current flow below which triggers when a employee is terminated:
How would I connect the department table with the two tables I am currently using in this flow? (Workers and employments)
Hi Henry,
You can get department number from job position and based on this number, search the record in department entity where you can get name.
Hi Henry,
I found a related post and a blog you might want to refer to.
Solved: How to get the department for the worker ? - Power Platform Community (microsoft.com)
Get employee’s manager from the dataverse - Dynamics 365 Human Resources Community
Best Regards,
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