Hi there
Running AX 2012 R3 CU9
This is probably a simple solution I'm missing - I have a table (we will call Table1), and I have two separate fields on that table with EDT CustCurrencyCode.
The problem is, the first one I added got a relation as expected, but the second one didn't, and it seems to dislike me adding the relation manually. As though there's a conflict with linking to the same table twice.
I get two error messages, one for each relation: 'RelatedTableRole' conflicts with another 'RelatedTableRole' on relation Currency on table [Table1]'.
I could technically force the lookup on my form to look at the currency table, but if it's possible I'd prefer to use the built-in functionality so it propagates anywhere else in the system this second field will show up.
I looked up some documentation on this: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/axsupport/2015/12/17/how-to-add-a-new-relation-for-a-new-field-to-the-same-table-to-which-a-relation-already-exists-ax-2012/ but it looks like it's already a step ahead of where I am in that it works, but there are some pitfalls later on.
Any help would be much appreciated, if there's something I'm missing
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