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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions."&a

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


We have postponed live going a couple of times now. We struggle a lot with the production module in combination with the new WHS module on AX 2013 R2 CU9.

We have material on our production locations but for some reasons the reported as finished does not reserve and post the materials. The lines on the BOM indicate picked (and) changing them manually to physically reservered fixed the item reservations, but there are numerous of items and adding picking manually is a pain.

We have the feeling we do something structurally wrong, but what?

We get a lot of times that no inventory can be reserved on back flushing principle. We get: 

"The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions."

Is there a tutorial on how to use this module by people like me (smart but too stupid to understand what goes wrong)? Or how to avoid these errors? 


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  • Suggested answer
    Kakang Prabu Profile Picture
    Kakang Prabu 30 on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&quo

    The problem is item has been register, to check it open  lines product receipt, Inventory > lot transaction, item has register. for the solution you can register on purchase order form, Update lines > registration > mark(Auto-Create) > Post All.

    Solved for me.

  • ColbyGallagher Profile Picture
    ColbyGallagher 3,666 on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&quo

    DMaria I usually see this situation when the parm on the Warehouse -> Inventory & Warehouse Mgmt fast tab -> Issue Status after Raw Material picking is set to "Picked" instead of "Reserved physical".  I find this parm should usually be set to "reserved physical".  Consider this scenario where it is set to "Picked":

    You are making 100 kgs of formula item ABC, which according to the formula will require 200 kgs of ingredient XYZ.  When you release the batch order, WORK is created to pick 200 kgs of XYZ.  When the WORK is executed, either automatically or by a user, the formula line gets updated to an issue status of "Picked" for 200kgs.  Then your batch order is set to backflush ingredients at Report as Finished.  If you only RAF 50 kgs of ABC, then you will only backflush 100 kgs of XYZ.  If you have the "End -mark picking list" ticked on the RAF form, you will get this error, as AX can not automatically un-pick the remaining 100kgs.   

    The same is true if you manually post picking list journals against the job, if you are consuming less than was Pick updated, and you are trying to end-mark the picking list journal, you'll get this error.  This is all true of BOM items if you are working with BOM's / Production orders too. 

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&quo

    You are welcome.

    Create a Production order and schedule it and check the quantities in order, whether the Production order scheduled the consumption quantity as defined in the BOM. - Click on Prod-BOM from Production order and check the scheduled quantities for consumption, check whether enough quantity is reserved for picking. This may give you the details about your consumption estimates whether correct or not to complete the production.

  • DMaria Profile Picture
    DMaria 285 on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&quo

    Thank you for the reply !

    But I don't think that is the issue in my case. My Item1 unit is KG and in Item2 bom consumption of Item1 unit is KG.

    I still don't have the answear why I'm getting that error.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&


    Let's consider Item1 - In our case we were using multiple UOM for a single Item like eg., 1Kg = 20 No's which will be setup in Item master setup for Item1 (Inventory base unit will be KG). This Item will be consumed in production of Item2,  In BOM for Item2 consumption of Item1 defined in No's, so for 1 KG(Item2) output requires 20 No's of Input(Item1). Assume if you didn't created the unit conversion for the Item1 then Nav can't pick 20 No's of Input as the conversion has not created. So I got that error. When I created the conversion in Unit conversion table then it showed no error as the On order quantity for picking updated properly. I think this might clear you about Unit conversion.

  • DMaria Profile Picture
    DMaria 285 on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&quo

    @Anilquest Can you give some examples of the unit conversion ? I am looking for the reason why i got that error. And still nothing helps.

  • DMaria Profile Picture
    DMaria 285 on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&

    @ColbyGallagher This fixed the issue. Thank you !

    Do you know what is causing the error? Why that happens?

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&quo


    please try this on Test environment first then apply.

    1- confirm the output order number against the remainder qty (select the order line , click above button INVENTORY , where you can find the Output order , Unmarked view ended , and copy the INVENTORY ORDER NUMBER)

    2- open AOT ->Data Dictionary ->Tables -> WMSOrderTrans (Right click and open )

    3- in orderid field paste the same inventory order number .

    4- delete the raws whose ExpeditionStatus is Activated

    5- Now go to again the output order form , refresh the screen, and select End Inventory order in FUNCTIONS.

    6- now go to the sales order screen and easily cancel the deliver render quantity.

    7- please mark the answer correct , if you find this useful. others will get the solution.


  • BorisD Profile Picture
    BorisD 2,826 on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&

    Hello Ulti001,

    Did Danish Khan or Colby Gallagher suggested answer help you resolve your issue? If it did, would you be so kind to mark it as answered. That way they get credit for the correct answer and it will help others with the same problem by leading them to the correct answer quicker.

    Thank you,

  • Isha Profile Picture
    Isha 265 on at
    RE: How to fix production error: The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions.&

    @Colby Gallagher this fixed the issue for me. Thank  you :)

    As you suggested, I unpicked each material on the BOM. Then I was able to reset the status of the order to "Created".

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