We have postponed live going a couple of times now. We struggle a lot with the production module in combination with the new WHS module on AX 2013 R2 CU9.
We have material on our production locations but for some reasons the reported as finished does not reserve and post the materials. The lines on the BOM indicate picked (and) changing them manually to physically reservered fixed the item reservations, but there are numerous of items and adding picking manually is a pain.
We have the feeling we do something structurally wrong, but what?
We get a lot of times that no inventory can be reserved on back flushing principle. We get:
"The quantity cannot be reduced. The number of inventory transactions on order is too low because the quantity or part of it is referenced by an output order or a production order or is marked against other transactions."
Is there a tutorial on how to use this module by people like me (smart but too stupid to understand what goes wrong)? Or how to avoid these errors?
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