RE: User completes several different marketing forms, the user will only receive email from the first completed costumer journey.
The workaround might not be adapted to complex scenario.
The challenge is that we want to send different marketing emails based on different forms, but contact could only receive email from first submission.
Suppression segment is the only approach to prevent contacts from receiving email, however, I didn't find a way to meet all of those requirements within one customer journey.
Due to limitation of existing customer journey features at present, you may need to simplify design: create a segment to query contacts who submit any form of 20 forms(link 20 query blocks with "OR" operator), and use only one marketing email in one customer journey.
No matter which form contacts submit, they will receive same email, but you could create a temporary field to Contact entity and hide it on marketing form to save form name(add custom JavaScript function to 20 marketing pages to populate the field with different values), then render different HTML content based on the field value with dynamic expression.