We're in the printing business. Since the beginning, we've used Sales > Invoicing to bill for our printed products, and we've always used non-inventory line items. NOW we need to add another line item to our invoices... call it "delivery services," and we need to post the sales of those items to a different GL sales account. Currently, we are set up to Post from the Customer GL accounts.
It sounded simple enough... we went in and added an inventory item, "Delivery Services," gave that item a specific Sales account number, and told Tools > Setup >Sales >Invoicing to get the posting accounts from Inventory Items rather than Customer. Didn't work. Now, the non-inventory items, instead of pulling the accounts from the Customer, pull from the default non-inventory item GL account.
How can we have the non-inventory line items pull from the Customer default GL accounts, but the new "delivery service" have its own GL accounts?
We think we know the answer: We can change the Distribution accounts during data entry, but that is the tedious task we're trying to avoid.
Net, net, net desirable: to have the non-inventory accounts default to the customer GL accounts and the inventory line items (delivery service) use its own GL accounts?