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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Product variant cost price

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Is there a way to update the product variant cost price automatically when I buy the product variant. Every product variant has a different price and every time I by the product variant the cost won't change. I marked the check box 'Latest Cost price' but it doesn't effect the variant price?

Thanks in advance.

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  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Product variant cost price


    Open up the Released Product record and expand the Manage Costs tab group.

    Then check the Use Cost Price By Variant check box.

    (you can check the latest cost price too to get the latest cost price by variant)

    Please refer to the below article

  • Weaveriski Profile Picture
    Weaveriski 23,616 on at
    RE: Product variant cost price

    Hi Mike - update "where"? I presume you have update purchase price ticked and costing be variant? This is a different question, you might get more traction posting a new question.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Product variant cost price

    Steven,  Is there any way to update cost price (by variant) from a PO transaction?  We are configuring products and creating variants on the fly  (Config-only).  Problem is, I can't get the cost to flow through Inventory and COGS correctly.

  • Weaveriski Profile Picture
    Weaveriski 23,616 on at
    RE: Product variant cost price

    Yes I am afraid you have misunderstood.

    The purchase price in the costing version is used solely for BOM Calculations, it is not referenced on any purchase order to my knowledge, you have to set trade agreements or use the purchase price for that. Now you have activated the cost price it will record costs in this manner against the item and cost in that manner, without it it does not.

    PO and SO by variant is only from trade agreements. You only need to calculate the purchase price in the costing version (your inventory) to use in your calculations - purchase prices are defined by the vendor.

    With the BOM calculation you can transfer this to the sales price of the item if you want.

  • ewills Profile Picture
    ewills 5,990 on at
    RE: Product variant cost price

    Hi we are using AX 2012 R3. I encountered an issue where we could not define item price (costing version) by variant unless we enabled the "use cost price by variant" in the purchase fast tab! ok. then we went ahead and defined cost and purchase price! defined sales model as use cost price with contribution ration! Ok. all good. now we opened a PO, select this item and variant - expect to see the purchase price per variant populated! nope. same is the case with SO!  This should be the most common scenario! why would we need to maintain trade agreements to pre-polulate Purchase/sales and even cost price for that matter! it just defeats the purpose! May be we misunderstood.  

  • sreess Profile Picture
    sreess 125 on at
    RE: Product variant cost price

    Still I believe, definitely there might be some settings in Ax to show the variant cost while preparing purchase requisitions. We can see it in Item Price tab on Released Products. That means the cost is updating in AX per variant. We are using CU6, no idea any other version can help in this case.


  • Suggested answer
    Weaveriski Profile Picture
    Weaveriski 23,616 on at
    RE: Product variant cost price

    You would need to manage the purchase price through the trade agreements by variant otherwise it takes the base purchase price (although I thought it did take the item price from the variant but depends upon version and memory and I have not tested it). The cost is the cost from the invoiced transactions and can be held by variant and updated by transaction, however this is the cost price that is then subject to your costing method and applied on outbound transactions and then adjusted through the inventory close to the correct cost.

  • sreess Profile Picture
    sreess 125 on at
    RE: Product variant cost price

    Hi Andre,

    Our issue is related to product variant cost that is appearing in Purchase request, project estimations (WBS) etc. We have a product having two variants. The purchase and cost price per variant is showing correct in Manage Cost > Item price in separate lines. We have set the product to update latest purchase price as cost price. Here, the latest variant purchase price is updating on the entire product. So whenever we do any purchase request, both variants are showing the same cost that is the purchase price of latest purchase we made. Is there any way to setup the system to select the exact variant cost while selecting any particular product variant.


  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,820 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Product variant cost price

    Hi SREESS,

    The released product form cost price is only used within an inventory journal or sales order return when no cost price is known from historical transactions (current stock).

    If you are using standard cost, the cost price is always known and exactly correct.

    Otherwise it will use an average cost price and after the periodic task inventory close or recalculation the real cost price will be calculated according your inventory value model. So the exact cost price it self is not known at time of the quotation.

  • sreess Profile Picture
    sreess 125 on at
    RE: Product variant cost price

    Hi Andre,

    As you mentioned, the product price is updating per variant when we select ' Use cost price per variant'. But in the released product form or for the product, it is updating with the latest cost, not per variant and the same is populating at the time of quote and estimations. How can we get the exact cost per variant to be populated at the time of quotation or for other transactions..

    Thanks in advance

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