Is there a way to flag that the rendering of email message in D365 is complete before we click on the send button.
Is there a way to flag that the rendering of email message in D365 is complete before we click on the send button.
Hi Ashish,
You can use workflow to help you change email status to ‘completed’ before clicking send button.
(1) Go Settings > Process to create a workflow in Email entity.
(2) Set Trigger.
In my example, I select ‘As an on-demand process’, you can select other triggers in ‘start when’ as your need.
(3) Expand ‘Add step’ to select ‘Change Status’, then select ‘Completed’ option.
(4) Save and Active the workflow.
(5) Test.
Go email form, and expand flow to click the workflow that just created.
After running the workflow, wait for minutes and refresh page you will see status has changed.
Leah Ju
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