I want to add a workflow user in workflow tool's notification tab. As shown in below image, It's a PO standard workflow. I just want to add one user - the submitter of the workflow, for notifications only.
For your first question, if my suggestion helps you, please make it a verified solution in order to help others in the future get the same answer. For your second question, if the standard participant already works with notification, then maybe it will work for the custom one also, but you should try it.
Waed Ayyad
Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future
My concern from the beginning is, I want to add a new workflow user/participant in workflow tool for PR and PO for notifications, so what approach I should use or which class can I use to write my code?
And 2nd thing, as Waed Ayyad suggested, I can create a new participant and add it to existing PR/PO workflow. So this approach will show a new participant for notifications participant too??
It doesn't matter if the user I create shows for approver too, I just want to make sure that this method will at least show that user for notifications.
Your initial question and now the new information are completely different. Please ensure you provide the correct information to get the better responses.
The participant providers depending on record information can't be used for notifications only. You can consider using the Alerts or Business events where Power Automate can retrieve information to send a notification to the correct person.
Actually, client needs PurchTable.Requester and PurchReqLine.Requester as workflow user/participant.
So I need to write code to customize this and add it to the workflow tool. Now I know that for approver, there's this participant provider class which can add a new participant. But in this case, I don't want approver, I just need a new user which will recieve notifications.
So I need the place where I can write the code for participant/workflow user.
The workflow originator the submitter. Have you tried that setting already? There is no need to add coding.
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