In LinkedIn main form I have a Quick View form and a field - when I entered a skill in the Quick View form I have all related employees with that skill shown in a subgrid.
In the Employee table - apart from the employee name I entered his skills (in a subgrid since I have Many-to-Many relationship between Skills and Employee).
The Skill table contains all skills.
Matched Skills table contains skills only from the LinkedIn Job ad.
Matched Skill has data only with some skills (entered with a lookup column to skill), and I need in the LinkedIn main form to have a field - when I enter an employee to give me all the related matched skill he has. But since I don't have an information in Employee for Matched Skill - only for Skill, I can't use a Quick View form and i need to have a subgrid that shows all "related" skills from skill table and matched skills table.
So is there any way to compare the data from two tables and store the same results in a subgrid or even a new table?