There is no currency exchange rate within the filter
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There is no currency exchange rate within the filter
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Hello Albert,
Thank you for posting on the Forum. I will provide some general guidance to consider. It is difficult to pinpoint without knowing exactly what process was being completed when the error was generated.
The most common issue is as follows. In Purchase & Payables Setup and Sales & Receivable Setup, there is an option for default posting date. If the default posting date option is set to NO date, then you will get this error. To work around this error, you will need to enter a Posting Date prior to selecting a Vendor No. in the Header. You can change the setting in the P&P and S&R Setup to default the posting date to Work Date to prevent getting this error in the future. You cannot have a blank posting date on a header for a transaction that uses currency. Without a date, NAV doesn't have the necessary information to establish the correct exchange rate to use for the transaction.
The alternative would be to change code to default to a standard date, such as the work date. In Table 330 (Currency Exchange Table), a change by a certified NAV developer could be made as follows:
FindCurrency(Date : Date;CurrencyCode : Code[10];CacheNo : Integer)
//MBS - begin
IF Date = 0D THEN
//MBS - End
IF (CurrencyCode2[CacheNo] = CurrencyCode) AND (Date2[CacheNo] = Date) THEN
Rec := CurrencyExchRate2[CacheNo]
FindCurrency2(Date : Date;CurrencyCode : Code[10];Number : Integer)
//MBS - begin
IF Date = 0D THEN
//MBS - end
CurrencyExchRate3[Number].SETRANGE("Currency Code",CurrencyCode);
CurrencyExchRate3[Number].SETRANGE("Starting Date",0D,Date);
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This mail message assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and the tools that are used to create and debug procedures.
Please note that this is a sample process only to provide you with the guidelines and NOT an official fix from Microsoft. I strongly recommend that the sample process suggested be tested both by you and the customer, in a suitable test environment, before adapting it to a production (live) environment. Please note that the sample process being suggested in this communication cannot be considered an official fix or service pack for the reported issue, and hence the partner takes all responsibility for its implementation and ongoing support as well as future upgrades.
I hope the information helps provide guidance to address your specific issue.
Best Regards
André Arnaud de Cal...
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Martin Dráb
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