Hi everybody,
I've got a zero inventory with value non zero.
To get this:
1 of june: a purchase order reception. Product cost= 100€
15 of june: a sale delivery. Sales cost: -100
10 of july: purchase invoice. Product cost = 110
after running report 795, adjust cost item-entries, there is a new value entry:
15 of june: sales cost adjust value= -10
The inventory valuation at 30 of june shows inventory 0 and value -10.
Why the report 795 fixes the posting date of the new value entry to the sales delivery posting date and not to the purchase invoice posting date?
If the inventory period was closed at 30 of june, the posting date of the new sales cost is the first of july. The inventory valuation still shows negative values until 9 of july.
using NAV2016
Josep M
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