RE: I want to create account record instead of contact record in auto record creation rule once case record is creating from incoming emails
Hi m.abdullah,
There is no OOB way to do this. You need manually change the flow. Please see the below steps:
1. Change the setting to Mapping in Power Automate manually.
2. Open you flow.
3. Find the 'if no' branch in the 'Is this email sender a contact or an account' step :
4. Delete the action in this branch, and add a Account:
5. Set the 'Customer from email sender' variable with this function: concat('accounts(',outputs('Add_a_new_row')?['body/accountid'], ')')
6.Change the Contact(Contacts)'s expression in 'Create a record (don't rename this step)' action
Use this expression:
if(contains(triggerOutputs()?['body'],'_emailsender_value'),if(contains(variables('Customer from email sender'),triggerOutputs()?['body/_emailsender_value']),string(''),concat('contacts(',triggerOutputs()?['body/_emailsender_value'], ')')),string(''))