All - can you please let me know how to join REQPO and REQTRANS tables? Thank in advance!
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All - can you please let me know how to join REQPO and REQTRANS tables? Thank in advance!
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Hi Chaitanya, this query is really helpful. By doing explosion of WO, we get planned POs, then by by doing explosion of planned PO, we get intercompany planned demand. Do you know how to get the planned intercompany demand from planned POs? This relation and a query to get this information will really be helpful.
Ok, its fine. Thanks for the clarification.
Hi Chaitanya,
Hari cannot mark the answers as he is not the person created the initial question. Hari changed the topic of the original question, so as moderator I can't mark your reply as it is not the solution for the original question.
NP.Can you mark the helpful answer(s) as verified.
Thank you very much worked..
Got it. Please use the below job/code to get the data and let me know if anything is missing.
static void AXC_ReqPO(Args _args) { ReqPo reqPO; ReqPlanVersion planVersion; ReqTrans reqTrans, reqTransSettled; ReqTransCov reqTransCov; while select reqPO where reqPO.RefId == "XYZ" // Specify RefId on the planned order join planVersion where planVersion.RecId == reqPO.PlanVersion join reqTrans where reqTrans.PlanVersion == planVersion.RecId && reqTrans.RefType == ReqPO.RefType && reqTrans.RefId == ReqPO.RefId join reqTransCov where reqTransCov.ReceiptRecId == reqTrans.RecId && 1 == ReqTrans.Direction join reqTransSettled where reqTransSettled.RecId == reqTransCov.IssueRecId { info(strFmt("RefType: %1, RefId: %2", reqTransSettled.RefType, reqTransSettled.RefId)); } }
Hi Chaitanya
I have a planned orders list and when I open any planned order(Master Planning-->Common-->Planned order) there is tab called pegging, in that there is field called reference number(it can be sales order or production order or any etc..).
I need to get that reference number for all selected planned orders from ReqPo table.
Can you let us know about your requirement (or) share your code as relation between ReqPO and ReqTrans is already available in the thread.
Hi Nitesh,
I tried to join REQPO and REQTRANS but I am getting the same record .
what I want to achieve is when join REQPO with REQTRANS I need to get the pegging reference number for particular planned order.
I am working on AX 2012 please suggest how to get pegging reference number for particular planned order which is available in REQPO.
yes André Arnaud de Calavon, you are right.
Hi Peace Out,
it seems you have the solution.
please let me know if you any more queries
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