I have a client that is importing Purchase Orders from an outside system using eConnect. While running the integration, the following error is generated:
The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK__POP10100__CREATD__5540965B". The conflict occurred in database "COMPANY", table "dbo.POP10100", column 'CREATDDT'.
I found the following post related to the DOCDATE field, but don't see anything related to the Created Date field: https://community.dynamics.com/gp/b/dynamicsgpthoughts/posts/the-insert-statement-conflicted-with-the-check-constraint
I know the Created Date is a system generated date of the first save of the Purchase Order in the header table.
We are not passing a value for the CREATDDT field so we are not certain why we are receiving the error. Does it make sense to set a value for the field? Or is it another date field that is triggering this error?
Any insight on how to get around the error would be helpful.
Thank you.