we have Sales and profitability performance Power BI report available. Within that data model you will find a couple of sales order related information, e.g. as days delayed against confirmed delivery date. Within the SalesOrderLine Fact table you find also "complete" flag, or within the CustomerPackingSlipLines you find the calculated flag for "ShippedinFull".
May be the OOB embedded powerBI report at Sales and Marketing\inquiries and reports\sales performance anaylsis\Sales and profitability performanced does not contain these dedictaed values, but in the data modell it is availabe and should be not a challange to intergrate some tables and visuals in that or another report.
Unfortunately, it does not give us what we need, and it is a bit strange why Microsoft haven't thought of including a standard OTIF sales report.
This is a standard option in many other factory ERP systems I have worked on and used over the years, and trying to look for the correct entities and tables names is a mine-field.
If you are looking for reports on the Sales module, have you checked all the reports shown in the image below and none of them meet your requirements?
Best regards,
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