RE: GP Workflow - restricting Financial Batches
Hi Ron,
The quick answer would be to change the posting setup to post 'Through' from sub modules so that batches from those other modules don't stop at the GL to require approval. If that's not possible or their business process doesn't allow that, then you would have to add an extra join to your workflow to the GL10000 table so that you can use the SOURCDOC field to determine whether the Journal Entry lines in the batch originated from a different module or not.
select SOURCDOC,* from GL10000 --GJ would be General Journals
By default the GL10000 is not a table that you can create conditions on, but we have a tool that allows for enhanced workflow condition editing where you could join the SY00500 to the GL10000 to make workflow condition based on the SOURCDOC field.
Physical Name |
Display Name |
Technical Name |
GL10000 |
Transaction Work |
Below is an article with more information and the DEX.ini switch that enables this. I would recommend trying it in a test company with a copy of live first, then repeat the process once fully tested. The custom joins for workflow are made per company database.
I hope this helps!
Isaac Olson
Microsoft Support