Item #5395 is setup in our database with an item sales tax group of MAT.
Based on the type of project, sometimes we pay use tax on MAT items and sometimes we charge the customer sales tax. So I have a sales tax group CA-43-U for when we need to pay use tax on it (and not charge the customer sales tax), and CA-43-S when we need charge the customer sales tax (but not accrue the use tax).
CA-43-U works beautifully and accrues the use tax. But CA-43-S not only wants to charge the customer sales tax (which is correct), but it also wants to pay the vendor sales tax - causing our AP dept to constantly override the sales tax amount at the invoice level.
I tried to create a new sales tax group of CA-43-R (resale) - which doesn't want to pay the vendor sales tax (good), but then it doesn't want to charge the customer sales tax (bad).
Any suggestions?
Note: we don't have any groups at the vendor or customer level because based on where the project is located, there may or may not be sales or use tax.
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