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Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions

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Posted on by 1,550
SalesLine table as an extension in Model A. Where a field group is created with some fields. And this field group is used in SalesTable Form.
Now my model B references model A. I created a new field in SalesLine using modelB and added this field inside the fieldGroup that was created inn modelA. But currently this field is not appearing in SalesTable Form. 
I did build and sync but it's still not appearing.
And when i go to this data group in model B form extension and click restore, i get that the property type of form string control cannot be changed because it's properties are locked
  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,550 on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    Hi Martin,
    When i add the field directly without field group, the field appears.
    So does that mean it's not doable?
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,540 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    It can be tested by adding the field directly to the form, not through a field group.
  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,550 on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    Hi Martin,

    I created this new EDT and dragged it to the table and field group... so it should be visible.

    Here are the properties on the form control level and table level:

    Also configuration on the EDT is empty. The EDT doesn't extend a standard EDT.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,540 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    First of all, is your field visible at all? For example, isn't it for a different region or isn't its configuration key disabled?
  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,550 on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    Hi Martin,

    The error is gone now. I discovered that there were two extensions of the salesLine form for my model B, same thing for SalesLine table. So I used the original extension and deleted the other one. Restore is working fine now, also as you saw in the screenshot before, the field is appearing in the form. However, it's still not appearing in the Form UI.

    Any suggestion? is it doable to add a field to a field group in another extension?
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,540 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    Yes, I got that from your original description. Now I was interested in the error you mentioned.
  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,550 on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    Hi Martin,

    My new field already appeared automatically in the data group of the form that was created in another model. However, it doesn't appear in the form in the UI.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,540 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    I've never seen such an error. What if you create a simplify scenario to make it easier to test and share? Do you get the same error every time when you define a field group in an extension and try to extend it in an extension of this extension? Or does it happen just in your specific scenario with SalesTable and therefore there is also something else in play (and more information will be needed)?
  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,550 on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    Hi Martin,
    I already mentioned in the question this:
    when i go to this data group in my model B form extension and click restore, i get that the property type of form string control cannot be changed because it's properties are locked
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,540 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Field in fieldGroup not appearing in form using extensions
    Try creating a form extension and restoring the field group there.

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