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Revenue By state (for tax purposes)

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I have a request to build a report that shows Revenue by State - for the purposes of taxes.

As an Organization we're very new with FO (only a few months in), and I'm more a SQL/PowerBI developer - I can reproduce the Revenue #s that FO puts out, using hte BYOD - and I can see the WorkLocation for a given transaction. 

But, "purposes of taxes" makes me think this should be something built in - or at least configured, to come out of FO itself - not some dork writing SQL stored procs. 

Any guidance?

  • bbb0777 Profile Picture
    bbb0777 158 on at
    Revenue By state (for tax purposes)
    Of questionable use, but - OP here:   I've had a report out since summer that acounting seems to be satisifed with. 
    Logic for addresses is below. Note: I use Synapse Link, so all my logic is based on F&O tables, as opposed to entities. 

    For the labor address
    Joining PROJEMPLTRANSSALE to LogisticsPostalAddress 
        ON PROJEMPLTRANSSALE.[PMIPWorkLocationAddressID] = LogisticsPostalAddress.[Location]
        AND  PROJEMPLTRANS.TRANSDATE BETWEEN LogisticsPostalAddress.[ValidFROM] and LogisticsPostalAddress.[ValidTO]
    ^ the fact that column starts with PMIP, I think means it's a custom one developed by our ERP partner, so may not be useful for others. 

    For the subproject address
        on Projtable.[DeliveryLocation] -=  LOGISTICSPOSTALADDRESS.[Location] 

    For the Toplevel Project address
    Then I'm repeating the Project address logic again, but this time, for the topmost project of the subproject. Same idea, just travel from subproject to parent project, then do the same address logic. 

    And in the end delivering all 3 - the Labor Address, Subproject Address, and Toplevel project address.  Which folks are...doing stuff with. 
    For Revenue...we have our own logic for what counts, that I bet is completely unique to our setup. 
  • DI-21101316-0 Profile Picture
    DI-21101316-0 2 on at
    Revenue By state (for tax purposes)
    Following, although there does not seem to be much chatter on this.
    We need to know sales by delivery location for tax purposes.  
  • DCTX Profile Picture
    DCTX 235 on at
    RE: Revenue By state (for tax purposes)

    The ST module works fine when it relates to ST transactions only.  We have no issues here.  The problem is that many US states require a total revenue for the period (both taxable and non-taxable).  This is where the ST module falls short as it is only engaged on taxable transactions leaving the development community to build reports that will capture all sales for a location as required by the taxing authorities.

  • SouravDam Profile Picture
    SouravDam 11,723 on at
    RE: Revenue By state (for tax purposes)

    Hi bbb0777,

    Better to look for Power BI option as suggested by Frank.


  • Frank Hamelly | MVP, MCP, CSA Profile Picture
    Frank Hamelly | MVP... 46,257 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Revenue By state (for tax purposes)

    It really depends on what the business' definition of "purposes of taxes" means.  F&O does have a Sales/Use tax module but is it being used?  There are also a number of 3rd party API-based products that calculate Sales/Use tax (Vertex, CCH, AvaTax).  Does the business need a way of calculating sales tax liability and/or remittances or do they just want it for reporting?  

    In general, F&O OOB reporting is pretty weak.  I have a customer requesting the same type of report - Sales by State - and I've told them it would be best to develop it in Power BI because nothing OOB will meet their requirements.

  • DCTX Profile Picture
    DCTX 235 on at
    RE: Revenue By state (for tax purposes)

    Following as this has been a thorn for several of our clients.

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