hi guys,
i have a question about approval entries , i have setting a approval setup & approval template that needed , but there is a case when the document that had been send approval request then the document status is released after approved, then the purchase staff reopen the document and edit some line to updated data , then she did send approval request again. but when approver want see approval entries that document isn't right there but the status is pending approval.
could you suggest & give me a reason to handle it please ?. Thank you guys.
there is the flow :
- purchase staff create p.o (e.g testing p.o)
- purchase staff do send approval request for that p.o
- approver user approve p.o document at approval entries
- purchase staff do reopen that document (testing p.o) and edit some mistaken line
- purchase staff do send approvel request again
- approver user can not see that document at approval entries ?????
so , how and where is the document (e.g testing p.o) is gone ?
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