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Customer experience | Sales, Customer Insights,...
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Customer Journey with if/then visited Marketing Page

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Hello dear community,

I have a question about the Customer Journey if / then function.
A certain segment receives a (transactional) email from me and in this there is a link to a marketing page. If the contact visits this marketing page, a lead should be created, if not, nothing will happen.

I created the customer journey as follows:
Segment -> Email -> Marketing Page -> If/then  --Yes> Add new Lead -> End
                                                                             --No-> End

Now I have the following problem: Regardless of whether the user clicks on the marketing page in the e-mail or not, the path "No" is always followed and the lead is not created.

Do I have a mistake in this?


More Information:
Segment: Contact contains E-Mail address (for testing purposes)
Email: transactional, designed with "Marketing Page"-function in E-mail Designer.
Marketing Page: A Page with a "Thank you" Text on it.
if/then: visited marketing page, 1 hour

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customer Journey with if/then visited Marketing Page

    Hi Ferdinand,

    Please check the DOI settings.(Global or form.)

    For example of form level DOI: make sure content settings of DOI and customer journey are same, and correct Thank you page record is set.


  • RE: Customer Journey with if/then visited Marketing Page

    Hello Clofy,

    thank you for your reply! Sadly it doesn`t work for me.

    Started like in my post above but I created a marketing form, which I added to the marketing Page.

    I created a new Costumer Journey with a Segment with 6 persons in it. After the e-mails had arrived in the various mailboxes, I opened two different E-Mails and visited the page for them (different devices). But I still have the problem that after an hour all visitors go to the path "No" and therefore no lead is created.

    Customer Jorney (same as above, on Marketing page there is a form on it right now)



    No 100%

    Yes 0%


    On Marketing Page there are some insights available:

    (Ferdinand Ganter is my real Account and Test CJ is an alias Email)


    Thank you so much!



  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customer Journey with if/then visited Marketing Page

    Hi Ferdinand,

    Please check whether your contacts of If/Then tile are stuck at  processing status, also, check whether Insights of Thank you page has any data.


    If there is no interaction data available in Insights of Thank you page:

    It seems that interactions tracking(page visited/page submitted) are actually based on form loader script, which means a marketing page without embedding marketing form can't capture contact's interactions.

    As workaround, you could create a landing page type form and embed it to Thank you page, hide it with CSS, then contact's visit can be tracked due to existence of the form script.

    However, remember to delete previous live customer journeys to prevent contacts being processed multiple time to generate leads.

    (It will trigger lead creation of existing live journeys.)


    Second test, Thank you page with embedding form.



  • RE: Customer Journey with if/then visited Marketing Page

    I am just seeing that the picture is not displaying correctly. I've uploaded a screenshot of my customer journey here:


    I also tried it by adding the marketing page in the email settings. Still not working at all.


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