hi all,
have created a new report for Receipt. which i need to print multiple languages like EN-US and JA based on Customer language setting. AS i mentioned above
1. i have added the report in Static design under BI
2. Create a three new classes like
Controller EXTENDS SrsReportRunController
Method -- prerunmodifycontrcat()
this.parmReportContract().parmRdlContract().parmLanguageId('JA'); // testing purpose
but the label always print in ENGLISH only not Japanese.
report sample --
NOTE -- the above marked label i expecting to print in Japanese language.
for example -- label files which i am using in report
label ids EN-US JA
@GDJ164 | Item Description | アイテム説明 |
@SYS102891 | Quantity | 数量 |
@SYS40864 | Unit | 単位 |
Please help me. if i am missing any steps
Kindly let me know where is wrong?