Hi All,
My client use NAV2009 R2 W1+ Manufacturing;
This is the scenario;
Items are producing WIP location & FG store in FG-Store.
Item A is a production item. SKU of item A are;
A--> WIP Location--> Production
A--> FG-Store--> Transfer(from WIP)
Item A is MTS & inventory in FG-store.
Item B is a production item & BOM of item B is item A.
SKU of Item B are;
B-->FG-Store--> Transfer (from WIP)
So produce item B, Item A should be in WIP location. But inventory on FG-Store. I cant create SKU like A-->WIP-->Transfer(From FG-store) :( because one item can have one SKU in one loaction.
If we cant setup SKU like this PW(planning work sheet)will not work.
Can we do this through customizations?
or Do we have to convince my client to have inventory of item A in WIP ? :)
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