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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

How do you get a table record count in AX

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Hi Friends,

In X++, how do you get a record count in table, I don't want to use while loop.



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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How do you get a table record count in AX

    Thank you very much, Sergei & Anton.

    Its all clear now, and I wish I had it clarified from the online documentation as you did!

    If you can suggest a better and detailed X++/API documentation or literature (books), preferably with detailed examples as above, please do.

  • Anton Venter Profile Picture
    Anton Venter 19,493 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: How do you get a table record count in AX

    In addition to Sergeis answer, the actual count of the number of records will be returned in the field of the table buffer specified in the "count()". You could use another field but usually everyone just uses the RecId field because every table has a RecId field of course. The count works on Int64, real, string fields and possibly others but I have not tested them all.

    CustTable   custTable;
    select count(RecId) from custTable;
    info(strFmt('custTable.RecId: %1', custTable.RecId));
    select count(BankCustPaymIdTable) from custTable;
    info(strFmt('custTable.BankCustPaymIdTable: %1', custTable.BankCustPaymIdTable));
    select count(CreditMax) from custTable;
    info(strFmt('custTable.CreditMax: %1', custTable.CreditMax));    
    select count(AccountNum) from custTable;
    info(strFmt('custTable.AccountNum: %1', custTable.AccountNum));

  • Sergei Minozhenko Profile Picture
    Sergei Minozhenko 23,089 on at
    RE: How do you get a table record count in AX


    1. RecId is the actual field name, kernel field which can be found in any table. It's the unique record id.

    2. It doesn't matter where to use this statement, "from tableName" part should be in any case.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How do you get a table record count in AX


    2 question regarding the solution provided:    select count(RecId) from AssetTable;

    1. What exactly is RecId in this example? Is it an actual field name in the table, i.e. the primary key field, or is it some X++ variable?
    2. If the command is used inside a Table method, can the from tableName part be omitted?

    Thanks in advance,

  • Ganriver1 Profile Picture
    Ganriver1 1,541 on at
    RE: How do you get a table record count in AX

    Thanks a lot, Guys.

  • Anton Venter Profile Picture
    Anton Venter 19,493 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: How do you get a table record count in AX

    Ganriver, can you please mark these answers as verified? So that future forum readers can see that this is the correct answer to the question. Thanks!

  • Verified answer
    Faisal Fareed Profile Picture
    Faisal Fareed 10,794 User Group Leader on at
    RE: How do you get a table record count in AX

    Use Count() on RecId field on the table as suggested by Rick.

    You can also check it from your development workspace under Tools > Number of records form. It will show you total number of records not only in tables but in views, tableMaps etc. This is nice and easy way to get total count of records without writting any custom code.

  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How do you get a table record count in AX

    Select a count on the recId.  For example:


    AssetTable assetTable;


       select count(RecId) from AssetTable;


       info(strFmt("AssetTable has %1 records.", AssetTable.RecId));

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