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Sort with respect to date in Marketing email

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I need to sort the registrations data wrt date in marketing email. Below is the code that i am using now.

{{ #each contact.msevtmgt_sessionregistration_contact_msevtmgt_contactid }}
{{#if (eq this.msevtmgt_event '00000000-000-00-00-0')}}
How can i sort his dates according to time.Also what is the current criteria used to filter the 'for each loops' record fetched by dynamic content in marketing mail.Can we use any variable to store data in dynamic content ?
Thanks in advance. 
  • Suggested answer
    ShravanSuri Profile Picture
    ShravanSuri 1,255 on at
    RE: Sort with respect to date in Marketing email

    Hey Commun,

    This is a functionality that we don't currently support - we've added it to our backlog for consideration.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Sort with respect to date in Marketing email

    Hi Commun,

    I created 3 event registration records for same contact and tested several times in preview mode.


    It seems that sorting is random(no criteria) in each time.



    Dynamic expression in marketing email is based on a javascript template library: Handlebarsjs.

    In pure HTML page, we could do sorting on output of 'for-each loop' by creating our own sorting function(a feature in the library),

    however, js will be blocked in HTML email by most email service providers due to security reason;

    Thus we couldn't use any variable to store data in dynamic content, or do sorting on output,

    in other word, there are limited expression options(may only examples in documentation) for us to add dynamic content in email content.

    Please suggest your requirement in Ideas forum to make it could be available in future version.



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