I am using MS-Dynamics online. The configured post-box in Dynamics CRM looks fine, the Status incoming/outgoing/appointments are displayed as successfully.
The Sync settings are :
Serverprofile : Microsoft Exchange Online
Incoming E-Mail messages : Server-side synchronization or email router
Outgoing E-Mail messages: Server-side synchronization or email router
Appointment, contact and activities: Server-side synchronization
However the E-Mails are not getting tracked to the Outlook-Dynamics-App. The warning i get is: Exchange server returned UnknownIncomingEmailIntegrationError -2147220969.
Anyone got an idea what the Error means or what i might doing wrong?
The E-mails which sent from a CRM Contact E-Mail are also not going to be tracked inside of the Oultook-App (Tracked to Dynamics 365 Undeliverable).