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 I want to load my open AR and Open AP from my old ERP to D365. 

i have loaded all the term of payment , cash discount , dimensions adresse into my vendor and customers in D365
I tried to Load the open Ap and Open AR using the data management DMF entity called General Journal. When i import, i have notice that the due date in my journal dont automatically calculate.
I have read that the reason behind this is du to the missing term of payment column in the DMF General journal.

my question is : what is the best method to load my open AR and Open AP knowing that i want for D365 to calculate by itself the due date (by using the term of payment i loaded in each vendor and customers). My loading file that i exported from my old system only has the transaction date , name, vendor/cust ID, amount, currency, invoice ID.
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Open AR and AP best DMF TERM OF PAYMENT
    If the payment term field is not available in the entity and the due date cannot be automatically calculated, then the standard entity does not support the automatic calculation function, it may not be possible to do automatic calculations in DMF to meet your needs. You can do this through the UI, or you can open it in excel and use the functions provided in excel to calculate the expiration date column and then import it into the system.
    Best regards,
  • Suggested answer
    ZvikaR Profile Picture
    ZvikaR 61 on at
    Open AR and AP best DMF TERM OF PAYMENT
    I don't know specifically for Terms of Payment, but in many cases DMF does not trigger the same "logic" of defaulting of fields, as you get when entering transactions through the UI.
    So if you are using General Journal to upload open AR/AP you should try populating the Due Date field explicitly.
    Also - specifically for open AP, there is a data entity for Vendor Invoice Journal lines, which works better for uploading AP balances (it contains certain additional fields that are needed on a vendor/AP open balance) - I think you are going to be better off using that entity.

    For AR balances, if you are unable to resolve your due date issues with the GL entity, try using the Free Text Invoice entity instead.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 290,326 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Open AR and AP best DMF TERM OF PAYMENT
    There is no out-of-the-box data entity for modifying customer transactions. Can you describe the exact requirement? What do you exactly want to achieve? I'm a bit lost with your introduction. Do you need to change the Terms of Payment in posted customer transactions that then will recalculate the due date?

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