/status/: 400,
/message/: /An error has occurred. Field validation failed on table of type
'PTCCustomerPaymentJournalLineSettledInvoiceEntity' for the following fields:
JournalLineCompany, JournalBatchNumber. Infolog: Warning: The value '1000' in field 'Journal company' is not found in the related table 'Customer payment journal header'.; Warning: The value '1000-009410' in field 'Journal batch number' is not found in the related table 'Customer payment journal header'..//r/clientRequestId: 7fb1e9c0-dd50-43a4-b487-bce6f17bee1f/,
/error/: {
/message/: /An error has occurred. Field validation failed on table of type
'PTCCustomerPaymentJournalLineSettledInvoiceEntity' for the following fields:
JournalLineCompany, JournalBatchNumber. Infolog:
Warning: The value '1000' in field 'Journal company' is not found in the related table
'Customer payment journal header'.; Warning: The value '1000-009410' in field
'Journal batch number' is not found in the related table 'Customer payment journal header'../
/source/: /csmprod.operations.dynamics.com/,
/errors/: []