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REST Api Changes (bug) in version (on-premises)?

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We recently updated from v9.0.31.7 on-premises to v9.1.9.8 on-premises and it appears some things have changed.

First of all I noticed that when querying with "&$expand=collection_navigation" the results directly contain the collection elements, whereas previously, the result collection would be empty and the payload would contain a "collection_navigation@odata.nextLink" value with a url to call to get the results.  The new results also contain this property and url but it seems like usually the array itself is also populated.  For this I am wondering if this is a setting which can be enabled/disabled or if it is something we can rely on happening consistently.  Our current system expects to have to use the "nextLink" url if it is present so I would like to know if we need to change this functionality to use the data included in the payload and ignore the "nextLink."

Secondly, I am seeing strange behavior with hierarchical entities where, when I "&$expand=parent,children" I get the correct parent in the results, but the "children" array is populated with a single entity and for some reason it is the same entity as "parent."  In other words, the api is returning the parent as the sole child.  In addition, when I run this query, there is no "nextLink" property for the "children" collection.  If I query "&$expand=children" I get the correct elements in the "children" property and there is also a "nextLink" property.  I'm thinking this is a bug.

I dont know if there is a way to revert back to v9.0.31.7.

I also have no way of knowing if this is an issue with just version v9.1.9.8 and not other 9.1 versions since we upgraded directly from v9.0.x

  • Suggested answer
    Guido Preite Profile Picture
    Guido Preite 54,073 Moderator on at
    RE: REST Api Changes (bug) in version (on-premises)?

    I noticed some differences when you expand an 1:N compared to an N:N relationship but nothing as you described (keep in mind that I mostly only worked with Web API with Online instances and not OnPremise ones.

    I don't think will be easier for you to back to the previous version (especially just for the Web API)

    regarding the oData nextLink the safe approach (and the one I use) is to process the records if they exists (as you can get an empty array) and process the nextLink if present, this would cover your scenario.

    Regarding the expand with hierarchical entities involved, I think it is a bug, you should verify if still happens inside an online instance (like a trial) and eventually submit a bug, but regarding the timeline when it will get patched with an onpremise rollup I think it's quicker for you to do two different queries (one for the parent and one for the children).

    I know I wrote obvious things, but fixing (also with an increment of the time due to the number of queries) is probably easier.

    hope it helps

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