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Dynamics 365: allow attachment on portal comment

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We are currently working with the non-rich text editor in CRM. However. When we add a portal comment to a case, we'd like it to be possible to add an attachment. This is currently not possible.

How can I enable this, or get it to work?


  • Dynamics 365: allow attachment on portal comment
    Hi Robert,
    was there anything special you had to do so the attachment is visible for the portal user when send from Customer Service Hub as a portal comment? Following the steps you lined out in your last comment, I can still not see it in the portal. I am sure we are missing sme setting on the timeline etc. Can you share some info regarding the form configuration?
  • RobbertMeijer Profile Picture
    RobbertMeijer 40 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365: allow attachment on portal comment

    I still can't figure this step out. Would anyone be able to help?

    I have the following step in a process:

    I'm even unsure on where to add the step from Workflow Tools and what to fill in where. Especially the 'e-mail tag' from 'Entity Attachment to Email'.

  • RobbertMeijer Profile Picture
    RobbertMeijer 40 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365: allow attachment on portal comment


    I do use a process, yes. I can't seem to figure out the manual that is on the github page though. Namely step "Email: Email record to add all the Attachments.".

  • Suggested answer
    Eiken Profile Picture
    Eiken on at
    RE: Dynamics 365: allow attachment on portal comment


    Do you create the workflow to send email with the text of the comment?

    If yes,, you can also add the attachment.

    Please check the following link.

    Dynamics-365-Workflow-Tools/Entity Attachment To at master · demianrasko/Dynamics-365-Workflow-Tools · GitHub

  • RobbertMeijer Profile Picture
    RobbertMeijer 40 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365: allow attachment on portal comment


    I found that it is possible by the following:

    - Open a new portal comment for the case.

    - Save it, but do not finish it/complete it.

    - Add a new comment to the portal comment and attach an attachment to it.

    - Save and send.

    In that way, the user will see the attachment in the Portal.

    However. How can I do it so, that the attachment gets added to the e-mail aswell? We have a process that send an e-mail to the customer with the text of the portal comment, but I'd like to add the attachment to the e-mail aswell.

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