I'm trying to display a cue with the Count of Past Due Invoices next to a cue with the Sum of Past Due Invoices. They are both FlowFields, but one is based on a Query and the other is a CalcFormula. If I put the cues in separate CardPart pages they both display the correct value. If I put them together in the same CardPart page the cue based on the CalcFormula field (Count Past Due Invoices) displays 0. Am I doing something incorrectly?
page 50111 InvoicingCues { PageType = CardPart; SourceTable = SalesCueEMP; RefreshOnActivate = true; layout { area(Content) { cuegroup(Invoicing) { Caption = ''; field(CountPastDueInvoices; CountPastDueInvoices) { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'Past Due Invoices'; } } cuegroup(Invoicing2) { Caption = ''; field(PastDueInvoiceAmount; PastDueInvoiceAmount) { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'Past Due Invoice Amount'; AutoFormatExpression = '1,USD'; AutoFormatType = 10; trigger OnDrillDown() var CustLedgEntryRec: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; CustLedgEntryPage: Page "Customer Ledger Entries"; begin Clear(CustLedgEntryPage); CustLedgEntryRec.RESET; CustLedgEntryRec.SetFilter("Document Type", 'Invoice'); CustLedgEntryRec.SetFilter("Due Date", '<%1', WorkDate()); CustLedgEntryRec.SetFilter("Remaining Amount", '<>0'); CustLedgEntryRec.SetFilter(Open, 'Yes'); IF NOT CustLedgEntryRec.ISEMPTY THEN BEGIN CustLedgEntryPage.SetTableView(CustLedgEntryRec); CustLedgEntryPage.Run(); END else Message('No results found'); end; } } } } trigger OnOpenPage(); begin RESET; if not get then begin INIT; INSERT; end; SetFilter(DateFilter2, '<%1', WorkDate()); end; trigger OnAfterGetRecord(); begin PastDueInvoiceAmount := CalcPastDueInvoiceAmount(); end; }