After drafting payment journal then tried generating payments but shows message as /Field Foreign exchange reference must be filled in for voucher xxx, please use NACHA IAT information to correct the problem./
I am in Korea and does not use ACH, also not familiar with NACHA IAT, I talked my parent company IT and Finance but both not sure about this.
I assume I need to fill in the blank in the red box but could not find any instruction whether I should choose FV, FF, VF or what to put in for indicator and reference.
It would be very appreciated if any knowledge can be shared.
Field Foreign exchange reference must be filled in for, please use NACHA IAT
There is not much information about this on the Internet, you can check this official document: (USA) Create a payment journal and generate the IAT transmission file | Microsoft Learn. When you process a payment to a vendor or refund a payment to a customer who is outside the United States, you must enter a payment transaction to generate the National Automated Clearing House Association – International ACH Transactions (NACHA-IAT) file.
Best regards,
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