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Dynamics 365 Community / Forums / Finance forum / custom service dataArea
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custom service dataArea

Posted on by 977

1. When creating custom services, do we need to put legalEntity as an input to the service (contract class)? then use changeCompany()?

2. Because when calling the custom service via C#, i know that DataAreaId can be specified by callContext and without even adding legal entity as an input to the service or using change company(). What is call context here and how does it specify the dataAreaId in the background?
CallContext callContext = new CallContext { Company = "USMF" };
sessionInfo = ((ABCService)channel).getDetails(new getDetails(callContext,request1));

3. But if i will call the custom service via postman as json, then how i'm going to specify the legal entity without having the dataArea as an input and without using changeCompany function?
4. In conclusion, is it needed? if yes then when and why?
  • Suggested answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 228,177 Most Valuable Professional on at
    custom service dataArea
    What you actually mean by saying "when calling the custom service via C#" is that you're using the SOAP endpoint. Which language you use (if any at all) is irrelevant and you also can use the JSON-based endpoint from C#, but there is no CallContext in such a case. As far as I know, you need to add the company to the contract if you're using the JSON-based endpoint.
  • .. Profile Picture
    .. 977 on at
    custom service dataArea
    Any help?
  • .. Profile Picture
    .. 977 on at
    custom service dataArea
    Hi Waed,

    Thanks but this doesn't answer my questions.
  • Suggested answer
    Waed Ayyad Profile Picture
    Waed Ayyad 5,197 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    custom service dataArea
    It depends on your case, in general the legal entity is determined based on the user that is used on the integration, but if you want to add the data to another legal entity then you should add dataarea Id as parameter in the contract class.

    Also check the following link it maybe helps you:
    Waed Ayyad
    If this helped, please mark it as "Verified" for others facing the same issue

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