I have began researching DIXF and there are a lot of templates for import, including the options to create custom ones. I found that there is a template for the ProjJournalTrans table which covers the Journal lines for hours, but I didn't find a template for importing the Project's tasks.
Basically every few hours or so I want to import a Project's tasks and time entries from an internal website into AX 2012. My question is the following:
Is there a "smart way" to import the WBS for a Project (including all the Jounral lines for hours), or do I have import the data, table by table (and therefore creating new templates for the SMMActivities, PSAActivitySetup and PSAActivityEstimates tables, coresponding to a Project task)?
Basically the new Projects and Journals are created by the users, but the Project's tasks and time entries for these tasks are managed in our website so we need to import them.
Best Regards,
Evgeni Dyulgerov
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