there is a standard data entity for Planned Orders (ReqPlannedOrderEntity), which is read-only and we wanted to change it.
I have duplicated it and set Read-Only to No.
I have removed some datasources too and currently I keep only ReqPo and InventDim.
The Key on datasource and on table ReqPo is a PlannedOrderID (RefId) and PlanVersion (RefRecId to ReqPlanVersion table).
I have a unmapped str field on data entity which during the export is filled by the PlanVersion Id in the postLoad method.
But I have problem during the Import. Even though I have value in the PlanVersionId field in Excel, when I import it I do not see the value (during debugging) in any of the following methods (mapEntityToDataSource, mapDataSourceToEntity, postLoad). And I'm getting error that the Reference isn't set (because of the PlanVersion field, which is refRecId).
How can I achieve it? Which method can I use?
So, I have a value in excel column and this column/field is mapped to an /UnMapped/ field of Data entity / staging table. And I want to use this value (which is the plan version id) to find a recid of ReqPlanVersion table.