Hi Friends ,
This is the SSRS Report for printing invoice grouping for a particular invoice proposal.This is only for expense transactions.The Price column is not printing any value.For other transactions namely hour and item the price column is printing a value.I checked all the temporary tables in the DP class it is getting loaded properly with all the values and specifically for Price column it is loading a value.During the SSRS report generation the value in this column is not printed only for expense transactions.
This is the IIF expression for the Price field in the SSRS Report design for this particular report.
=iif(Fields!DocuRefLineVisibilityName.Value = /Yes/,iif(Fields!SalesPrice.Value=0,IIF(InStr(Fields!PMIPDescription.Value, /Subtotal/) > 0 and Fields!SalesPrice.Value <> 0, Fields!SalesPrice.Value, //), iif(Fields!CostPlusRate.Value=//, Fields!SalesPrice.Value, Fields!CostPlusRate.Value)),iif(Fields!SalesPrice.Value=0,IIF(InStr(Fields!PMIPDescription.Value, /Subtotal/) > 0, Fields!SalesPrice.Value, IIF((Fields!PMIPDescription.Value <> // and (Fields!TransTableLabel.Value = /hour/ or Fields!TransTableLabel.Value = /item/)) OR (Fields!Quantity.Value <> 0 and (Fields!TransTableLabel.Value = /hour/ or Fields!TransTableLabel.Value = /item/)), /0.00/, //)),iif(Fields!CostPlusRate.Value=//, Fields!SalesPrice.Value, Fields!CostPlusRate.Value)))
Please let me know if you have any solution on this issue.
Thank you
G Badri