So we need to update the AX2012 Client on our customers computers, but I have not been able to find any documentation on how to put the kernel update into the AX2012 install directory.
Nor have I been able to get the axupdate for 9100 to run unattended.
Anyone that can help?
I have downloaded the axupdate.exe file from LCS, run it and select "Download and install updates" and saved the update to an package.update file.
Then I tryed moving the axupdate.exe the package.update and the two folders licenceterms and support into a folder under the Dynamics AX2012 R3\Updates folder, and then run this command to do a silent install:
"Dynamics AX2012 R3\Setup.exe" HideUI=1 AcceptLicenseTerms=1 InstallClientUI=1 ClientConfig=0 ClientAosServer=AOSSERVER ClientLanguage=en-US ConfigurePrerequisites=1 ClientConfigFile="AOSSERVER.axc" InstallDebugger=1 InstallOfficeAddins=1
But it does not install the update.