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The Vendor cannot be deleted.

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Posted on by 562

Hi All,

when I try to delete the vendor am getting below error .

A financial dimension value is based on the xxxxx record and has been used on a transaction. You cannot delete the xxxxx record

The Vendor xxxxx is used in one or more transactions of the following types: Ledger and cannot be deleted.


We removed financial dimension for Vendor but still I can't able to remove.

Could you please share any solution

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: The Vendor cannot be deleted.

    Hello Tony,

    Did you have any 'luck' so far with the deletion of your vendor?

    Best regards,


  • Suggested answer
    RE: The Vendor cannot be deleted.

    Hi Tony,

    There's no automatic code to resolve this issue. You have to find the entry connected to this Vendor in the system. According to the error message "Ledger and cannot be deleted." it is some posted transaction. I would record a trace on deleting the entry and there you find where system stops.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: The Vendor cannot be deleted.


    Do you have a vendor findim that automatically got created? If so, have you tried deleting this findim value?

    Best regards,


  • TonyAx Profile Picture
    TonyAx 562 on at
    RE: The Vendor cannot be deleted.

    Hi Osman,

    Thanks for reply, There is no there is no transaction.

    For vendor financial dimension  is mapped in master ,I removed the dimension but not able to delete the vendor

    could pls share any code to resolve this

  • Suggested answer
    OsmanIstanbul Profile Picture
    OsmanIstanbul 2,810 on at
    RE: The Vendor cannot be deleted.


    did you check all financial dimension tables related? especially DimensionAttributeValueCombination and DimensionAttributeValueSetItem? if the vendor exists on these tables, remove it.


  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: The Vendor cannot be deleted.


    Do you still have some open journals, pending vendor invoices or purchase order records for this vendor created?

    Try deleting all of those 'pending' records and then try again to delete the vendor.

    Best regards,


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